
Secure WordPress Using Limit Login Attempts Reloaded

Secure WordPress Using Limit Login Attempts Reloaded - How to Secure WordPress Using Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. WordPress is a very popular CMS for building websites and has been used by many. The ease with which this platform has been tested can provide many benefits for its users.

Including me, who, until now, has remained loyal to WordPress. Interested? I chose WordPress because so many themes and plugins are available for free.

Although premium or paid versions are available, we can choose free services as users. However, not all services that I use are free. For the theme itself, I prefer premium versions that have full support.

Using a premium WordPress theme can also provide security for our website. Most importantly, the theme is always updated. You can prioritize that first before adding any other security tools.

As a WordPress user, whether new or old, improving the security of our website is crucial. More on the front side is the login page of our website. It's a gap that anyone can take advantage of. Many irresponsible people are trying to break through login access from our website.

Then we can help to prevent it from happening. If we don't want to crack it, we can use the plugin as an option. I will recommend one of the popular plugins, Limit Login Attempts, which can be used to improve your WordPress security.

With this one plugin, you can prevent irresponsible people from trying to take advantage of your login page. The most common attacks are hackers or bots.

Generally speaking, they could have tried to get in without waiting for a limit, unlike ordinary users or ourselves, who sometimes just try to log in. For other users, they can continue to do as many trials as possible to get into your website.

It's time you started keeping your website safe from theft. If necessary, the Limit Login Attempts plugin can be used to keep your website performance safer. Limiting the number of logins on your WordPress can be an effort.

This plugin has a lot of features that can help you secure WordPress. It's also quite easy to use, and you can have it for free. Now, I have to wait. What else if there are plugins you can use free of charge? Better you install to start securing your website.

To use this plugin, you must know how to configure it. If you don't understand it, I'll give you the tutorial.

Next, Secure WordPress Using Limit Login Attempts Reloaded

First, log into your WordPress Dashboard.

Second, click Plugins, then Add New, then type the keyword Limit Login Attempts.

Secure WordPress Using Limit Login Attempts Reloaded

Third, once the plugin option appears, install and activate it.

Fourthly, then you go to the Settings section to start configuring your starboard.

setting Limit Login Attempts

  • You can find some that have been locked out of your website. You can also check this section to see how much the plugin will likely stop brute-force effort. In this section, you can set the performance of the locking system. 
  • You can also enable GDPR compliance to prevent IPs from being recorded for privacy reasons.

Fifth, you can go to the bottom of the Whitelist and Blacklist.

  • Whitelist: you can enter a specific IP to add your users to the white list. You can let them enter your website without any restrictions.
  • Blacklist, Otherwise, you can also add your blacklist IP and make them unable to enter your site. This can benefit you when you suspect one or more IP usage. Sixth, once you have done the configuration well, do not forget to click Save Options.

Sixth, once you have done the configuration well, do not forget to click Save Options.

That's my review on how to secure a WordPress website using a plugin. With this review, you may better understand what steps you should take to maintain your website.

Whether it has to be done depends on you. Whatever your website is, all the risk is yours. Try not to ignore this important thing for the future of your site.