
How to Create a Custom Login URL in WordPress

How to Create a Custom Login URL in WordPress - How to create a custom Login URL in WordPress to secure your website. WordPress is a well-known CMS that is most widely used by people who build websites. WordPress is also the most popular website application among many other CMS.

Unexpectedly behind this content management system's progress, some people prefer to avoid this CMS and may take advantage of existing security gaps. Do you feel safe with your current WordPress website?

We know the dress login URL is straightforward, and everyone can find it quickly. This login URL is the main door that can invite irresponsible people to take advantage of it. It could be an easy target for those who know the loophole side of this URL.

Therefore, behind your success in building a website using WordPress CMS, you also need a fence to provide a fortress. For example, creating a custom Login URL in WordPress can be done quickly and only takes a few minutes.

Don't let your site be infiltrated by people who bully your blog their way, including utilizing the two login URLs you usually use. Please note that WordPress has two login URL options that users commonly use.

Among these URLs are the following:
  • https://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin
  • https://www.yourdomain.com/wp-login
These two URLs are straightforward to remember and very risky for the security of your blog. Therefore, maintaining the security of your blog can be done in many ways. It may not protect the login URL. You could use other methods but might need more to secure your website.

As an essential part of providing double locking on your site, creating a custom login URL in WordPress using a plugin can be helpful. Protect your website from people who take advantage of access via that URL—including to guard against brute force attacks that can grip your website.

Creating a custom login URL in WordPress will protect the primary login access you usually use, including if your site has many users. This can be a special treat to your users. By covering all the other vital aspects, you can rest assured that your site has enough power.

Using a custom URL in your WordPress admin section is the answer to all you need to do to secure your WordPress. So, you no longer need to remember the specified URL, as people usually know about the Admin section of your website.

To make this tutorial more accessible, you can apply two methods. As I said, the first step is to create a custom login URL in WordPress, apart from using the second method, which I will add as a tip. You can add a bit of code to apply directly to your htaccess file.

If you prefer to change the login URL, you can use a WordPress plugin to help. To find out more, you can read my guide as a practice for implementing it on your website.

Here's how to create a Custom Login URL in WordPress; pay close attention to the steps:

1. Make sure you have first logged in to your WP admin dashboard using your usual username and password.

2. After you have logged in, please select the Plugins menu to the left of your WordPress Dashboard and click Add New.

3. Type the keyword WPS Hide Login on the search page to find this plugin. Then, install and activate so you can start the configuration.

4. Now, you can go to the plugin settings page. Select Settings in the WPS Hide Login plugin to enter the Dashboard General Settings section.

wps hide login setting

5. Next, specify your login URL to change it. You can change the ending of the URL to your liking using certain more unique words. In the Redirection URL, you can also redirect the URL when someone tries to access the wp-login.php page and the wp-admin directory when not logged in.

These are several steps for creating a custom login URL in WordPress that you can do as security support for your website. Apart from these steps, you can also use the method I have mentioned, which is my additional tip: redirecting.

Redirects the login URL in WordPress to a specific page that users cannot access

1. To start this stage, log in to your cPanel, then access File Manager.

2. Open the Public_html page, then find the file called .htaccess from the website you. If you still need to get this file, please create it.

3. Next, add the following code to the .htaccess file.

# protect wpconfig.php
<files wp-config.php>
order allow,deny
deny from all
Allow from 123.456.1.168
order allow,deny
allow from all
deny from 123.456.1.168
<Files wp-login.php>
order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from 123.456.1.168
<Files 403.shtml>
order allow,deny
allow from all
4. After applying the code above, remember to save and see the results.

Important note: Allow from 123.456.1.168, deny from 123.456.1.168, Allow from 123.456.1.168. Replace the number with the IP of the computer you are using. You must delete the above code from the .htaccess file whenever you want to log in to your WordPress and reapply it after completing the login.

Much easier. Now, you can decide for yourself which steps you have to take to secure your own WordPress. Do you have to create a Custom Login URL in WordPress or apply the additional tips I have provided? Your input and questions can inspire you. Share your experiences in the comments below.

That's my tutorial on how to create a custom Login URL in WordPress. Make sure you can implement this to increase security on your website. Moreover, your website is large and has many users.