
Party Plan Sales: An Untapped Wealth-Building Gem

Party Plan Sales: An Untapped Wealth-Building Gem - It's true; believe me! You can earn $50,000 or less in the next six months! After that, you can pretty much count on earning at least that much—if not more—every year for the remainder of your life if you don't work.

Using the party plan to sell goods as your own business is the best method to amass this kind of income. There aren't many other companies that can make you this wealthy so fast and maintain an increasing income.

The Party Plan Method was selected by 94% of the respondents to a recent questionnaire that was distributed to hundreds of prosperous direct sales merchandisers nationwide. The questionnaire asked, "If you were to start over today, knowing what you know now, and could choose the one method of merchandising that would make you really rich in the shortest period of time, which would you select?"

About once a month, the astute party plan operators—who also happen to be the wealthiest—simply organize inspiring sales meetings for their sub-distributors. They are training their sub-distributors, or husband and wife host and hostess teams, on how to find new hosts and hostesses during these sessions.

Anybody open to hosting a sales party at their home can serve as a host or hostess. This person is almost always compensated with a portion of the overall sales or a prearranged gift of special products for throwing the party.

These folks extend invitations to family members, neighbours, and friends. All that's required of your sub-distributor is that they find people ready to throw parties, provide the merchandise, and occasionally offer assistance or be present to ensure everything runs properly.

This is an example of the kind of money you may make with this business: Let's say you have 10 sub-distributors, and each of them puts up five parties a month, with a gross revenue of $200 per party. That is a monthly total volume of $10,000.

And you earn only thirty per cent of the total volume. Work it out for yourself. This would provide you with thirty days of personal revenue worth $3,000 for doing nothing more than hosting one or two inspiring sales meetings!

Additionally, every party promises to offer your sub-distributor at least two additional hostesses for parties in the future, and those parties will supply even more hostesses. This chain will continue to grow indefinitely as long as you can keep up with it.

Pick an evening for your celebration—any evening from Friday through the weekend is OK. For the most part, 7:30 is the most convenient time for most people. If hosting a party at home isn't practical for any reason, make plans with a buddy to host the first few gatherings.

List about thirty to forty people who you can invite to the celebration. They might be coworkers, friends, neighbours, or even people you know from work. They could even be business associates, like the grocery store checkout clerk or someone you meet at the bus stop on your way to work.

You formally invite these individuals, and then, at least a few days before the party date, you give them a call to remind them of the occasion. This is crucial since, out of the 40 people you initially invited, at least 15 will not be present due to forgetting, unforeseen events requiring last-minute changes in plans, and individuals who weren't interested in the first place.

Set up your item display early on the day of the party. The living room is usually the largest in the house, so that's where the party should be hosted. The merchandise display should be the main attraction.

The goods should be placed by group or category on a strong table covered with a nice white or light-coloured cloth. For example, jewellery products should be grouped, as should perfumes, colognes, bath oils, crystals, and so forth.

A little creativity and showmanship go a long way toward your item presentation. This will have the effect of inflating the perceived value of your item significantly. Businesses that add flare to their item displays report a 25 per cent increase in sales compared to standard displays.

For example, if a bright light is directed towards the exhibit, the jewellery will glitter, the stainless steel will shine, and the brassware will shimmer like priceless treasures.

An additional option would be to use a 4 by 6-foot piece of plywood that has a piece of velvet nailed on it to showcase watches, necklaces, earrings, and rings.

Another strategy for jewellery sales is to place a mirror next to the item displayed on a wall. If there is space, you or your hostess could want to set up a card table covered in an opulent-looking fabric, set up a dressing table-style mirror on top of it, and provide chairs so that people can sit at the table and try on the various items. The guests assess how each item appears on them before making their picks.

Whatever you do to help your clients choose and purchase, having a hand mirror available is a necessity if you are displaying jewellery. Keeping a few hand mirrors on hand is a good idea. Keep two on the "admiration" table and one on your item display table.

Along with your retail display, make sure you have your refreshments (coffee, tea, soft drinks, cookies, or other "nibble" items) arranged in an orderly manner. Usually, the host or hostess arranges ahead of time for one of the guests to help with the refreshments.

Make sure you have a few felt-tip marking pens and nametags for each of your attendees. Not to mention the order paperwork. These ought to be typical two-part self-carbon forms; keep one copy for your files and one for your clients.

Purchasing the order forms is the best option. Stationery stores typically carry all of these goods. A few days before the celebration, at the very least, rubber stamp your name and address on every copy of the order form.

You should also keep in mind your merchandise catalogues. Make sure you keep a sufficient amount on hand that is rubber-stamped with your address and name. You can put your name and address on your catalogues once you're well-established and making a lot of money.

Consider creating your merchandise catalogue if you don't already have one. Currently accessible is the helpful and simple-to-follow guide "HOW TO PREPARE YOUR CATALOG" (book #1203). You will also find the "CLOSEOUT MERCHANDISE MONEY MAKING MANUAL" (book # 1668) to be especially interesting. You can obtain these manuals from the vendor that provided this report.

Regarding catalogues, we should mention that many Party Plan merchandisers are also dealers of the "Unique Books" extra-income book catalogue. They believe that practically everyone is looking for ideas for more money, and the Unique Books catalogue offers a large number of papers and manuals outlining potential sources of additional revenue. Months after the party, book orders continued to come in because partygoers left one of the catalogues with them.

Let's go back to the party schedule. Turn on all the lights in the room where the celebration will take place approximately thirty minutes before your guests are scheduled to arrive. This will create a light and airy mood suitable for a party in the room. Furthermore, please make sure that all TVs, stereos, and radios are off. Get rid of everything that can divert your guests' attention from other places in your house.

Every celebration needs to be organized and adhere to a certain schedule. This is because, without a plan, it will merely amount to a group of people squandering time at your house rather than theirs. To know what to do next and get the intended results, you need to establish a plan.

Following a winning formula is a tried-and-true technique to make the greatest sales in the shortest amount of time. Having a "pattern" is also the simplest way to teach others to replicate your success.

The welcome and acquainting period, lasting roughly thirty minutes, is phase one. As guests arrive, the hostess welcomes them, prints name tags for each, shows them around, hands them a catalogue, points out the refreshments, and encourages them to strike up a conversation with other attendees.

Your party's "game-playing" phase is the second stage. The goal of this stage is to unwind everyone and get them involved in the celebration. This should take fifteen to twenty minutes.

The hostess then proceeds to showcase the merchandise, going over each item on display and providing a description. If you have jewellery on hand, invite several visitors to try on specific pieces so the other guests may see how these items look when worn.

How much product you have on display will determine how long this section of the party takes, but in general, you shouldn't spend more than 20 minutes displaying and explaining your items. After that, allow your guests ten to fifteen minutes so they can examine and try on the products that have caught their attention.

During this time, you should mix and talk with the guests to address any specific queries they may have, explain how an item might be used, wherein the buyer's home might look good, and share any interesting anecdotes about the item's history, manufacture, or previous customer satisfaction.

Write orders once you think you've addressed every query and everyone seems to have chosen what they want. Never be afraid to ask for directions. After spending roughly fifteen minutes writing orders, you should let the celebration wind down.

Mix and mix with your guests during this time, and extend an invitation to anyone expressing interest in hosting in the future. Thank each guest as they begin their journey out and accompany them to the door.

Your party should not last longer than two hours in total. It's been demonstrated time and time again that you can do all the required steps to close the most deals in this amount of time. With noticeably more or less time, you become less effective and generate less revenue.

There are a few tried-and-true methods for finding new hosts or hostesses among your guest list. Observe first the guests perusing the products, examining, admiring, and wishing they had more money to purchase some of the items.

If you discover that a certain guest has a particular item in mind but you just can't seem to fit it into the budget, just pull her aside to a private corner of the room and tell her in private that you will give her what she's been eyeing and wanting as long as she agrees to throw a party in her house for her friends and family.

This strategy nearly always works, and the only cost is the wholesale price of the gift you offer her.

The second tried-and-true method is to provide a monetary reward. To achieve this, propose to accept 5% to 10% of the overall sales volume that arises from the event arranged by this kind of recruit.

You will benefit from the passionate engagement of the host or hostess in the selling process, so that's a bonus. After you explain your agenda to them, they will usually try their hardest to make the party a big success so that they can get paid more for the evening.

After your goods show, you should organize a spectacular ceremony with all the "Show Biz" flare you can summon as a gift for the hostess for throwing the party. If your gift is cash, though, take your presentation to the next event and make a big deal out of it as well. Remember to invite the "guest of honour" to the big presentation at your next planned celebration.

Many of the other attendees will be positively pleased by these lectures and will consequently request further information.

The moment you start receiving orders is the best time to start recruiting. You should provide everyone you speak with the chance to host a party of their own. Ask your guests collectively whether any of them would be interested in hosting a similar party at their homes right before the celebration starts to wind down. Those who express interest are asked to stay for a little while so that the specifics may be worked out.

For this schedule, you should have an appointment book. Just find out what day works best for them and write that date, name, address, and phone number in the book. Then tell them all that you'll give them a call to finalize the specifics in the following day or two.

Merchandisers for party plans also frequently use letters. In a letter, they write about how much fun and excitement the parties provide and briefly describe how they can win large commission checks or free items of their choosing.

The letter recipients are then invited to call for full details on how to throw a party. Typically, these messages are produced in large quantities and inserted between the covers of the catalogue that these merchandisers send out to each partygoer. Occasionally, these notes are distributed to every attendee as the gathering adjourns.

A few party planner vendors additionally publish brief classified advertising in nearby publications. This advertisement highlights the possibility of earning additional money regularly by hosting parties at one's house and receiving commission checks. Interested parties are encouraged to call for further information. This type of advertisement typically receives excellent feedback, with a conversion rate of over 60%!

The majority of people believe that party plan merchandise is only for women; however, this is untrue! While it's true that women tend to establish themselves with this type of sales operation more quickly than men do, over time, just as many men as women run successful party plan sales organizations.

Generally speaking, men are less skilled than women at building social "chit-chat" relationships. As a result, a man should think about collaborating with a woman if he wants to take advantage of the enormous potential of party plan merchandise.

The best type of working arrangement is a husband-and-wife collaboration. Often, a friend, girlfriend, or family member will be just as successful. All that is needed is for the "couple" to work together as a unit, with each member's unique skills enhancing the other's.

One of the biggest keys to success with this type of sales operation is probably having the largest merchandise selection you can muster to close deals and throw $400 parties.

Many newbies base their entire merchandising plan around a selection of items that they find particularly interesting or appealing to themselves, not realizing that giving potential customers a wide and varied selection of options to choose from is what quickly builds your profits! It's okay to include items you particularly like, but don't base your entire merchandise line on the things you like—you're selling to others, not yourself! 

The majority of prosperous party planners suggest showcasing a minimum of forty distinct goods, and potentially more if you possess the necessary provider connections or purchasing know-how. The actual choices you make about what products to stock and showcase at your events should be based on these four factors: 1) The kinds of gifts, home décor items, and general merchandise that people in your community are purchasing; 2) The fashion or trends that are currently popular in your community; 3) You have enough suppliers to provide you with the kind of merchandise your potential customers desire; 4) You can compare prices between suppliers and ensure that you are receiving the best merchandise value available.

One further thing to think about before purchasing goods to display and sell is whether the wholesale pricing you have to pay for your goods leaves you with enough margin for a fair profit about your time and expenditure.

After you're confident that you understand how Party Plan Merchandising operates, do some market research relevant to your goals, find the answers to the questions we've posed, and seize the chance!